Hackathon Round Two

Daniel Cooper
2 min readJan 31, 2021


This past weekend some of my friends and I decided to take part in MLH hack your portfolio hackathon. It was a super fun and educational experience especially since we didn’t have any sleeping incidents this time.

Project idea

During this hackathon, we had a lot more freedom to do what we want. So, we decided to make an android application called Memap. The application allows the user to document their trip in a new and fun way by taking pictures they take throughout the trip and turning it into a video with music of their choice. The user can also view pins on a map of where the photos were taken during their trip. At the start of the trip, the user will open the app hit start trip, and take a photo. This will do two things first take a picture that we’ll use for video and put down the first location pin. Then the user just uses the app to take photos so they can be added to the video. Once the user ends the trip they provide a youtube link for the audio and we convert it into a video for them.

What I would do differently

At the start of the hackathon, we were moving along at a great pace and everything was going well. But we all did our research separately and we chose the version of android we were going to use on the day of which wasn’t that big of a deal for most of the project. This became a problem for the camera because we weren’t able to write the files due to a change. So, next time we do the research I’m going to suggest that we know what version we are working with so we don’t find out they deprecated it in the new update. Also, time management is something else we could have worked on.

This time we didn’t participate in many of the side events but we made our own fun. We had game breaks, anime breaks, joked around a lot, watching Reddit boost Game Stop stocks super high, etc it was a good time all around. But after my second hackathon, my opinion is still the same if your code even if you are new I would recommend participating in one even if you don’t win you’ll have a good time and learn a lot.

